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February 02, 2007


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What a project! I'll be watching you closely come March - wow!


Wow! You have an ambitious husband. (I do too.) Like you, I think I would be concerned about what to do with the littles ones during the process. It should be really fun for the older ones though. Please post about how it goes.


Oh, we love maple sugar time. We don't actually have any maple trees ourselves, but have read about it in the Little House books and other places. Our homeschool group also visited a farm where the kids got to help make maple syrup a couple of years ago. Oh, how I wish we lived in the country! I hope all goes well with your maple sugaring project.

God Bless,


I want to come over! What a wonderful opportunity. Your younger children could read the Little House picture book, "Sugar Snow". Please post lots of photos on this - how exciting.


Actually, red maples get their name from the stem as it turns red in the winter cold. All maples, save the Norway group, will turn Orange/Red to some degree in the Fall as long as there is sufficient seasonal flux in the weather. Thought you'd like to know. For a great tree book, try the Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Michael A. Dirr. The fifth edition is probably the most accurate. You should be able to identify a sugar maple by the bark and, by now, the leaf.

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