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October 01, 2007


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Looks like you had a great week! I'm amazed at how much you can accomplish with toddler twins and a newborn. We did the imaginary islands too, they were a big hit and a great way to cover lots of skills and topics.


What a super week! I can't seem to get it all together with my 1 and 2 year olds underfoot. I will be looking here for inspriration quite often.


Wow! Great week!
We have been wanting to do imaginary islands (and by "we" I mean me) for awhile now. Started but didn't finish. Need to get back on that!

Local Homeschooler

You did well - great week
Loved the Friday craft and, umm, 'activity' that followed it


The last photo is the best! It looks like autumn has arrived in your neck of the woods.


Well... it may seem like we've accomplished a lot but just don't look too hard at my house! It's definitely suffering. But the kids seem to be so much happier now that we've got a routine back, so I don't care! LOL It's been really instructive to me how much the kids enjoy doing these artistic and imaginative projects -- and being able to choose which ones they want to do. Now if only I could figure out something that would make math palatable to my math-hater...

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