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November 08, 2008


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Elizabeth H.

Lovely! My 6yo would love this, too.


Okay, I see Farmerboy sitting there all by himself working diligently. I have to ask, how did you keep the twins and one year old out of his creations? I love for my boys to do these types of things but it seems like the younger ones always mess it up for the big kids--or at least the big kids see it that way!


Monique -- Good question. My husband was just looking over my shoulder and laughed when he saw your comment. He says it's probably divine intervention. ;-) Actually... Farmerboy usually works on his marshmellow cities in the afternoons when the twins are asleep. But if he's working on them when the twins are awake and the twins seem to be expressing interest in what he's doing (yelling, "I want to build a marshmellow delivery truck! for instance), then I let them build with marshmellows, too. They usually only build for about two minutes and then they're on to something else. For some reason they don't like to *eat* marshmellows, which I think is the key factor. And they also like to watch to see how big or long Farmerboy can build.


Excellent! I am putting this work together today!!! We have done marshmallow building before, but I never thought to make it readily available as a regular work. But why not? Thanks for the inspiration!!


I've also done this with peas. One year we used tinned peas, and the other we used dried peas that had been soaked (probably not so good for having available... if they're not used in a timely fashion they'll start to sprout).


Thanks so much, we have never heard of this, we've just spent time this afternoon building wonderful structures. I also have a child who needs hands on maths, I'm interested to see what else you come up with.


Hi :)
I think this is must for us. I'm nervous about Marshmallow consumption though!
Thanks for sharing.
P.s. I particularly liked how you noted not saying "This is how you do it..." - a great reminder ;)

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