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February 20, 2009


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mrs darling

I love the creativity in those caves. Amazing!

I have a girlfriend whose 11 year old daughter lives with headaches. Do you think those glasses really help your daughter? Can you see changes in the headaches? If so I think I'll suggest this to her.

Wendy@Well-Mannered Frivolity

Will you be my homeschool mother? Such fun and creativity!


Mrs. Darling - the glasses do help, but they're not magic. Katydid has what's called "chronic daily headache", which means that her head hurts at least a little bit every single day. When she got these glasses, the pain lessened, but it didn't go away completely. I will say that the glasses + vision therapy have been the only things that have helped the headache. None of the high-powered meds the neurologist perscribed helped at all.

Her glasses have a 5% (I think) rose tint and are not polycarbonate. Our developmental optometrist said that polycarbonate lenses -- the kind they usually put in kids' glasses because they're shatter proof -- are often bad for headache sufferers. My advice is for your friend to find a good developmental optometrist (not a pediatric optamologist), and start there. A good developmental optometrist will catch a lot of things that a regular optometrist or optamologist won't.


My boys just went through a big cave phase. Have you seen the cave exploration in Planet Earth by David Attenborough? Mine ask to watch it again and again. It's truly amazing!

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