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May 12, 2009


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Mrs darling

Aw poor little boy. But what cute pics the kids came up with. I lvoe the bulletin board. I finally bought one andhung it last week for our homeschool. They are jsut so handy! The dandelions on the mountains are just too cute!


Fun! For them at least. ;-) I love to hear what you are up to in your schooling!



Just found your blog, and as a new home schooler, can confirm that you are now my new daily read :)

Very inspired by all the things you are doing/ have done and will be going through the archives for further inspiration.

Thank you!


those drawings are fantastic, and you can really FEEL the volcano erupting in pip's!! :^)

you need to add these to campcreekers!! http://campcreekers.tumblr.com/ love seeing your project develop!

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