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July 13, 2009


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I have a whole post I want to do about painting with little ones. Hopefully soon.

Ooh! Yes please!

Melissa R

We are "year around" learners also. I really struggled with how to word that in my required letter to the school dept. I needed to "promise"...umm, report... that my son had, indeed, completed the 180 required days of "school". I could have just written that we did the 180 days. But I just couldn't leave it at that, it seemed so untrue. And I didn't want to go into depth with them about what we did do, so I wrote "We are year round learners and as of our year end his attendance for the 2008-2009 school year has more then covered the required 180 days." I felt content enough with that.
We already have 15 days of official learning completed for the 2009-2010 school year.

Here's to happy learning!!


This sounds like a really productive and fun week minus the 'sit down ' assigned work. You are so lucky to have things like the Farmers Museum and scout camp and Little Flowers/ Blue Knights.
But I am sure all the driving around and organising to get in/ out of the car etc would have made you very tired. It would me.
Hope you continue tohave more fun weeks in your "NEW school year".
God Bless
Gae ♥

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