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November 23, 2009


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May I be the first to congratulate you!



oh Horray!! how exciting Angela :-) I was just thinking about you recently, wondering how things were going with everyone. I hope you are feeling ok.

I never thought I would be able to handle another baby after the twins... but since Samuel has been here, I realize that it's not the babies that are such hard work, it's just the twin factor. (let me correct that... it's just the twin BOY factor).

I think life in general is just going to be crazy and difficult until they reach the age of reason... or move out , i'm not sure LOL. A new baby doesn't really change that... they just add a sweetness to life that helps me to remember that children are a gift.

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.


Am I the first one to say Congratulations!!! Well then, CONGRATULATIONS!


Oh Congratulations!!!!!!


Felicitations! 7 is not only lucky but prime :-) Wishing you a fabulous Thanksgiving.




Melanie -- I totally agree with you there; it is definitely the twin BOY factor! LOL It's so different only taking care of one after taking care of twins. (And congratulations on your new little one!)

Thanks to everyone for your kind messages!


How wonderful! Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Amy Payson

I'm so happy for you...congrats and God bless this pregnancy...sending prayers your way. Thank you for taking the time to share your life with us for inspiration in spite of the busyness!

We have five and people keep asking when we will stop. As scary as it is, I love having God in control of that bus! What a blessing they are.

Elizabeth Frabjous Days

Congratulations again!

Fantastic email!


Congratulations! I love the email, lol- I'm one of nine, so we had a lot of the same questions put to our family. :)


Oh my goodness, how exciting!!! Way to go girl, many many prayers for a healthy and event free pregnancy friend!! God bless you sweetie!!

Melissa R

Wow wow wow! Lucky for sure!!! Congrats :)

Julia S.

Hooray! Congratulations I will keep you all in my prayers and may the pregnancy be an easy one.

Donna Marie

Oh my, this is wonderful!! Congratulations!

My dh once told an exasperated bank teller (when it came to family size):
"Well, we were thinking of a baseball team, but we were having so much fun that we decided offensive and defensive rugby teams would be much better!"

I had twins first(very active girls who didn't sleep for 4 years) and then a little boy about 22 mos later. Life was interesting and exciting, to say the least. Then they grow up...its all kinda a blur now...

I was cleaning the attic and came across a lot of mislaid pics of that time and I was in tears...'it was the best of times it was'...well, darned challenging... and now I consider them the good 'ole days!

Truth be told, sometimes when I am purely slogging along with no relief in sight, I imagine I am the subject of a made-for-tv movie or some dramatic life of a saint complete with dramatic soundrack and poignant poses...its worth the laugh and a good distraction...it's either that or "If I handle this right, it would make a great blog post!!"...LOL
Praying for you all!!

Wendy@Well-Mannered Frivolity

Such wonderful news!
Here's a comment I got--"Don't you guys have cable?" People can be such ninnies! Every child is a wonderful blessing and a gift from God.


Congratulations! I am currently pregnant with number 3, and I am already getting such crazy responses such as "already?!" and "are they ALL yours?!" I mean, how crazy is that? I didn't think we'd be weirdos until number 5. Guess things are changing. Or maybe that's just what we get for living in the DC area ;-)


congrats!!! Thats awesome.

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