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August 28, 2010


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Hooray! You made it! And it sounds like you are off to a great start! How wonderful about the Catholic homeschoolers close by!



I am so, so happy you have arrived safely. I've been waiting and waiting to hear. I was going to email you this week as I couldn't wait any longer.

What a disaster at the end, but still you survived.{}
Are you living closer to your family or just Andy's?

Oh it's sounding promising already:) So thrilled, beaming here{{}} Love to hear more.


Yay! I'm so glad you arrived safely and happily. It sounds like this will be a good and peaceful move for you. How are you feeling these days? Is your incision healed up yet?

Thinking of you... (and praying)


So happy to "hear" from you!!!! I can't wait to see photos!! I am glad it is so friendly down south for you all!!!
God Bless,


Glad things are going well there! Wishing you many more years of happiness!

Julia S.

Wow, I'm glad you were able to get help at the last minute. I'm so glad your new home is already filled with such love.

Have fun learning your new location.


Wonderful news, and so glad you all made it safe and sound. It all sounds lovely, can't wait to hear more about your new adventures!! Yippee!

Ashley Lee

We are moving to Mississippi this month, too. Maybe we'll run into each other. Without asking where you are - are you in north or south MS? We are in the town in the northeast corner. :)

Uncle Jim & Aunt Rita

Just a thought and a prayer to let you know that you & your family is always in our thoughts and daily prayers. It's wonderful to know that we now have 7 great nieces and nephews! And very glad that ya'll arrived safely at your new home. May His Divine Mercy keep you & yours safe and sound...
Love from Atlanta -

Rita Plazo

Angela, I am so impressed with all that you have accomplished in your young life. The work you do with your children is very remarkable indeed. Your children are adorable!!! I have only met you once in person and you were 5 years old. Can't believe you are now living in the South also. Welcome to the South and enjoy! Love, Aunt Rita

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