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September 30, 2010


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I'm loving the informality of this study, as well. :) Love your pictures!

Matt Conrad

Hey Angela, I saw a post at 4Real where you talk about Homeschool Tracker and how you tend to get behind in data entry.

We've got an alternate record keeping package called Homeschool Day Book (www.homeschooldaybook.com) which is specifically designed for easy data entry.

It's a very different approach than HST. Simple, simple, simple. If you mostly like HST you probably won't like Day Book. But, if you're curious about an alternative, there's a free trial download and you can see what it's like. We've also got a special running right now where bloggers can get a free license if they write a review.

Would have emailed you, but couldn't figure out your email address. Feel free to drop me an note if you've got any questions.

Happy homeschooling--
Matt Conrad

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