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October 08, 2010


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Angela, my prayers continue for you all as you settle in, I SO know what you're going through, except that I don't have a newborn, or twins for that matter ;-) I think you might really like the Ellie Krieger cookbooks, they are so well done and it's REAL food. She is right on so many things and her recipes are all easy and no fail. My kids love her stuff. Happy October, we just celebrated my biggest boy's twelth, yikes!! Happy bday to Gareth and hoping he's okay. Much love,


Uh, that would be twelfth...(spellcheck)! And I need your new email, hugs!


so sorry to hear about your father-in-law! a close friend had a severe heart attack this year and almost died .. and he's 32. :(

(actually he did die .. and was revived by EMTs)

i hope your FIL's recovery is swift and sure.

love seeing that lovely art-covered table. :)



You have taught me valuable lessons yet again. Thanks so much and God bless you and your family.

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