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November 23, 2010


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I agree there are hardly any blogs that talk highschool, in fact I can only think of 4, yours, Theresa's, Jen's and Barb (Harmony Art). When I realised this I started making an effort to talk more myself.

I went through all the same processes when I thought about enrolling dd in Kolbe etc. She was all up and down and had read most books, on top of that not being American there are lots of differences again.

Recording after the fact as we do, I'm sure we also miss recording lots of great learning.

I can't believe I only have one more year with my oldest highschooler:( So much I could have done differently.


This sounds a lot like what I've been thinking about for those nebulous subjects like science and history that we attack from all sides -- some text, some talk, lots of books, movies, trips, etc.

Thinking about carnegie units...wondering if it's fair that my daughter will get a unit of math by doing 1/2 the work because it takes her twice as long! It's hard to tell when she is just staring into space vs. actually thinking of the math (she always says it's the latter) :)

(and Happy Thanksgiving!)


Amy, I think that for subjects like math, I'm going to give credit based on finishing the book. So it won't matter if my ds takes 80 hours to do Algebra I or 150... when he finishes the book, he's done! (We're using Life of Fred for algebra right now, and I don't think it will take 120 hours to finish... but I have no reservations in counting it as a credit of Algebra I (especially as we're supplementing with Jacobs Elementary Algebra when he has trouble with Fred). It packs a lot into a small space!!)

S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

I agree with your 4 reasons and think a 5th just might be stress on the mom too. If your cute 1st grader pastes something upside down everyone just looks at it as cute but if you post something from a high schooler that has a misspelling in it or some other wrong bit of information than it is all doom and gloom and they'll never get into college. I hate that.


Angela, Thanks for posting this. My oldest turns 14 in January and I am a little intimidated by the high school thing. My approach sounds similar to yours this year, although I am sorely tempted to go with Kolbe for next year.

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